Rhea County High School Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment classes are college classes that you take while in high school.  Students who complete dual enrollment classes receive both college and high school credit for the class.

Parent Informational Meeting

There will be a Parent Informational Meeting TBA.

Deadline to apply for Spring DE classes is November 22, 2024

Deadline to apply for Fall DE classes is April 4, 2025.

(The April ACT will be the last ACT that will count towards Fall DE.)

Rhea County High School has the following requirements to be eligible for Dual Enrollment classes.

- Students must notify Ms. Wood of your interest in DE classes

- Students need to have self-discipline and good work ethics.

- Students must meet and maintain the enrollment standards set by the

  selected college.

- Students must be 15 years old.

- RCHS recommends a 21 ACT Composite Score, but an ACT score is not required.

- Students must not have a semester grade lower than a B in any course related 

  to the subject matter of the college course.

- TCAP/EOC scores in related courses must be "Met Expectation" or "Exceeded Expectation".

- RCHS reserves the right to have a student drop their DE class if they are failing at midterm.

Contact Ms. Wood with any questions after looking at the RCHS DE Information document below.  You can reach her at wooda@rheacounty.org.

**Complete Required DE Google Form, TSAC Portal, College Application, and Transcript Request**